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Monday, February 6, 2012

Febuary -LOVE- JOHN-Regenerating Love"

So faith, hope, love
abide, these three;
but the greatest of these
is love."

You want and need to be loved,
but more importantly,
you need to give love by being an expression of
God's love in the world.
"And an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it; but it shall be for those: the wayfaring men though fools, shall not err therein." Isaiah 35:8
Highway to Holiness : John the Disciple

We are pencils in the hands of a loving God, who is
writing love letters
to the world." MOTHER TERESA
“Thoughts are formative; they are like seeds
that produce after their own kind”

(How To Let God Help You , Myrtle Fillmore, p74).
Personal selfish love is a separating love, consciously placed before the Christ Love that dwells within all of us. In the busy world of today we tend to focus on our present life experience ”a me first attitude” , whether it be good or not so good and hold it possessively in the center of the mind. We temporarily set aside any thought of placing God first in our daily experiences or to give thanks to God for the good in our lives. Personal love is a selfish way of thinking about one's own comfort and how the external world solely relates to one's own self. The thought of what can be gained through obtaining material things, in the attitude of gluttony and through the accepting of puffed up compliments can inflate one's ego, causing a separation from God's Divine Love. Seeking love for oneself, only to fill one's own needs and not concern for the person who is giving the love, is another level of personal love. Personal love is a cold and uncaring feeling or expression, a very “matter of fact” relationship. This “What‘s in it for me!!" attitude is a self-centered expression of personal selfish love.

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