The four Agreements are a set of four rules that Don Miguel Ruiz wrote about and for many these are life changing rules. These are not just rules but agreements that will not just change your outer experience but change you from the inside out. When you change the inside the ripple effects that move the waves and ripple the universe . The universe will respond in kind . I was explaining to my 6 year old foster daughter that everything in life has consequences. We were discussing telling lies . I explained to her that every action has a consequence . Many times we feel the word consequence has a bad meaning . A negative meaning .However , consequence can be either good or bad and if you do good and expect good in return you will receive blessings . You will attract blessings . Your mind will be filled with positive and good vibrations . Any thought that is not good and harbors negative or hostile feelings or ill will will no doubt deliver ungodly consequences and will deliver the most severe reactions for you and from you. These Four Agreements are going to be listed below and we will delve into each one individually
Agreement 1
Be impeccable with your word
Agreement 2
Don’t take anything personally
Agreement 3
Don’t make assumptions
Agreement 4
Always do your best
If you can master these four task on a automatic level not something that you work on and do for a few weeks or months but work to have these become an integral part of your character you see almost automatic and infinite results .

If you are not living for God , loving yourself and others ,learning from the past and people, laughing and enjoying your life and those in it . Then Let go of whatever hinders these things .let of go of a job that destroys your spirit ,let go of the relationship that does not uplift and bring you joy, let go of the destructive and hurtful people and before all else let go of the past and forgive . Like I said forgive not forget .Never forget what you learned and why .
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